West Maui Hospital

Current Rendering of WMHMC
“We need a hospital on the west side, this is long overdue.”
Community Quote from Long-Term Planning Recovery Survey
Currently there is no major medical facility in West Maui and this addition will serve up to 70,000 residents, employees and visitors in West Maui. The nearest Hospital is 45 minutes to over an hour away and the highway experiences frequent congestion and closures due to accidents, fire and waves overtopping roadway.
Project Description
This project will provide construction funding and land acquisition for a Critical Access Hospital in West Maui that will include 25 acute and sub-acute beds, five emergency room (ER) bays and three operating rooms (ORs). It is being lead privately by the West Maui Hospital Foundation.

Land of WMHMC
Interdependencies and Roadblocks
The project needs funding for construction and backing from a hospital group to make it a reality.
Next Steps
- Secure hospital group backing and funding for design and construction
Project Details
Cost Estimate:
$120 million
Existing Funding Sources:
State Special Purpose Revenue Bond: $20 million
Project Lead:
Potential Funding Sources:
Community Facilities Direct Loan,
Grant and Loan Guarantees
Project Partners:
Alignment with West Maui Community Plan (WMCP)
- Goal 2.5 Safe, healthy, livable communities for all