R-1 Recycled Water Expansion

Injection Well
“We need to make use of R-1 water in order to keep the historically drought ridden community with water to keep areas green and mitigating the risk of fires spreading again.”
Community Quote from Long-Term Planning Recovery Survey
Maximizing the use of recycled water is a high-priority for the community, County and State. With drought conditions increasingly threatening water supplies in West Maui and the scarcity of water resources leading to ongoing concern over water access, the community looks to improve resource management. Possibly utilizing R-1 Recycled Water for agricultural purposes, revegetation, and offset of potable water in West Maui, from Olowalu to Honokowai, could positively influence the hydrology of Lahaina and contribute to other restoration efforts. R-1 expansion will also decrease reliance on injection wells.
Project Description
This project includes a suite of planning, design and construction activities to improve and expand the recycled water distribution infrastructure in West Maui. It will improve, repair and rehabilitate old pipelines, ditches and reservoirs, as well as construct new distribution pipelines, laterals, meters, and other appurtenances to service non-potable water needs from Honokowai to Kāʻanapali. It will expand customer base and usage of recycled water, may potentially provide irrigation to support replanting of native vegetation for erosion control in the impact area and may provide irrigation to a potential firebreak mauka of Lahaina.
- Expansion of Lahaina Recycled Water Distribution Improve, repair and rehabilitate old pipelines, ditches and reservoirs already in place
- Kāʻanapali Resort R-1 Water Distribution System Expansion System expansion to add distribution to Kāʻanapali Aliʻi, Kāʻanapali Beach Hotel, Maui Marriott, Westin Maui, Whaler’s Village, Whaler, Kāʻanapali Royale, Outrigger Maui Eldorado, and Sheraton; total estimated peak R-1 demand of 282,300 gallons per day
- Honokowai R-1 Water Distribution System
Design, permitting, management and construction of new R-1 distribution pipelines, laterals, meters and other appurtenances within Honoapiʻilani Highway, Lower Honoapiʻilani Road and Kāʻanapali Shores Place
- Lahaina Recycled Water Force Main Assessment, design, permitting for the rehabilitation/replacement of an existing 6,700-foot force main, construction of a second force main, pump station, access road and supporting utilities/improvements
Interdependencies and Roadblocks
Potential challenges could include permitting and access, as some components are planned to impact privately-owned land. This may result in additional projects to complete, beyond those captured in this project.
Next Steps
- A safety analysis of the West Maui reservoirs needs to be completed
- Project design is anticipated in 2025 and construction is anticipated in 2027
Maui ERC Project Crosswalk
Project Details
Cost Estimate:
Expansion of Lahaina Recycled Water Distribution: $18.1 million Kāʻanapali Resort R-1 Water Distribution System Expansion: $21.6 million Honokowai R-1 Distribution System: $7.6 million Lahaina Recycled Water Force Main: $12 million
Existing Funding Sources:
County Department of Water Supply Capital Revolving Fund
Project Lead:
County Department of Environmental Management
Potential Funding Sources:
- Bureau of Reclamation Title XVI
- Improvement District Program
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Community Change Grant
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Water Quality Improvement Programs
- Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA)
Project Partners:
- County Department of Agriculture
- County Department of Planning
- County Department of Water Supply
- State Department of Health,
Surface Water Protection Branch - State Department of Land and Natural Resources, Commission on Water Resource Management
- Maui Economic Recovery Commission
- Private Landowners
Alignment with West Maui Community Plan (WMCP)
- Goal 2.1 Ready and resilient systems
- Action 1.30 Improve interconnection between Department of Water Supply subsystems in West Maui.
- Action 1.33 Identify and encourage potential new users of recycled water, including parks, golf courses, and agriculture and expand recycled water storage
and conveyance systems in West Maui to increase the reuse of recycled water.