Guidance for Properties with Cesspools
Wahikuli Subdivision Gravity Sewer System Project
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has started work on the Wahikuli Subdivision sewer design project, north of Lahaina Town, Maui.
This initiative comes in response to a request from the County of Maui on January 13, 2024, for FEMA technical assistance. Through a FEMA Mission Assignment, EPA was asked to provide support with planning and designing a proposed gravity sewer system for the Wahikuli subdivision, which comprises approximately 230 properties currently serviced by individual wastewater systems, including cesspools and septic systems.
The scope of work for this project includes:
- Conducting an environmental review, including cultural and biological consultations, and seeking public input on the proposed project.
- Drafting pre-construction design, with public input opportunities, and engineering plans to 100% completion following the environmental review.
- Holding regular meetings with the County of Maui and providing periodic public updates via the weekly County of Maui Disaster Recovery Community Update Meeting throughout the project period.
Wahikuli Cesspool and Sewer FAQs

U.S. EPA Statement to Wahikuli Houselots Subdivision residents, and similar fire-impacted homes in the Lahaina area, regarding temporary cesspool use
Effective March 19, 2024
Fire-damaged wastewater infrastructure impacting service in some areas
Some wastewater infrastructure was damaged during the fires, which cut off wastewater service for many properties in fire-impacted areas. To determine if wastewater service for your home or business is impacted, refer to the map below.
If the Wastewater Service map shows that you do not have functioning sewer service, please DO NOT flush toilets or allow water down any household drain. Although your toilet may flush and water may drain initially, if the service is not functional, you risk eventual sewage backing up in the house.
County of Maui Sewer Service Status following August 2023 Wildfires
Some wastewater infrastructure was damaged during the fires, which cut off wastewater service for many properties in fire-impacted areas. To determine if wastewater service for your home or business is impacted, type your address in the search bar on the map below. Red indicates your property does not currently have active sewer service; green means sewer service is operating normally for your property.
Restoring Wastewater Service to Impacted Areas in Lahaina
The County of Maui Wastewater Reclamation Division is working to:
- Flush, CCTV and assess sewer lines within the fire-impacted area
- Repair Wastewater Pump Stations (WWPS) 5 and 6 on Front Street
- Reactivate Wastewater Pump Station 7 (Puumana Area) - requires WWPS 5 and 6 to be operating
- Repair/Replace underground lines to eliminate/minimize ground water infiltration and allow connections
EPA Sewer line Inspection Mission Assignment

On February 5, 2024, EPA began work on a Mission Assignment from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to clear and inspect nearly 100,000 linear feet of sewer lines in Lahaina. The information collected will allow the County of Maui to prioritize emergency repairs needed to protect the wastewater treatment plant from excess infiltration of water through damaged sewer pipes. This is critical to protect the wastewater treatment plant from water infiltration that the plant is not designed to process.
The work is a two-step process; the first step is clearing potential debris/blockage in the sewer lines using jet-propelled water, followed by a special camera which will be fed down the sewer line to inspect for damage and other issues. During this operation, a vacuum truck will be used to collect debris and water from the sewer line for the camera to access the sewer lines.

- Prioritize emergency repairs to protect the wastewater treatment plant from excess infiltration of salt water from damaged sewer pipe that may impair the biological function of the treatment plant.
- Prevent sewer overflows to waters of the U.S. and potential related human health impacts; and
- Determine certification of areas that are ready for reentry with functioning sewers.
Please also link to their dashboard viewer:
EPA: Maui Wildfires ESF3 Response - Sewer Lines Inspection Status
Inside the Fire-Impacted Areas - Status of Wastewater Service
Wastewater Pump Station 4 at Mala Wharf is back online and wastewater services to Kahoma Village, Upper Kapunakea Houselots Subdivision No. 2, Nahale Place, Ipukula Way, Kapunkea Street (mauka of Honoapi’ilani Highway), the Lahaina Cannery Mall and commercial sites makai of the mall are operating normally.
Outside the Fire-Impacted Areas - Status of Wastewater Service
The wastewater systems above the Lahaina Bypass, within the Lahaina Business Park, Lahaina Gateway Center, Department of Hawaiian Home Lands at Villages of Leiali‘i, Lahaina Civic Center and all areas north of the Lahaina Civic Center are operating normally.
Individual Wastewater Systems (cesspools, septic systems)
If your lot is/was not connected to the County sewer system and had a cesspool or septic systems then you are under the purview of the State Department of Health (SDOH). These systems need to be inspected and repaired as necessary and then approved for reconnection by SDOH. (Note that cesspools will still need to abandoned by the current state mandated dates)
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Call (808) 229-5184
County of Maui Wastewater Division:
Call (808) 270-7417
Hawai’i State Department of Health:
Call 833-833-3431 or 808-586-4468