Kuhua Street Extension

Kuhua Street Extension and Improvement Project - Conceptual Alignment, not final
“We need to widen the roads in the Kuhua Camp area. Aki, Kopili, Paeohi, Kale, Hauola, Kale etc.”
Community Quote from Long-Term Planning Recovery Survey
The Kuhua Street extension will provide new necessary connectivity, egress, multimodal transportation, and utility corridors to West Maui. The project will alleviate existing traffic congestion and improve circulation, including pedestrian-friendly access by incorporating a multiuse trail along its entire length in a later phase. The roadway would also serve as an alternate route during emergencies or in the event of unexpected closures of Honoapiʻilani Highway.
Project Description
This project is to develop a new public collector roadway that will be aligned east of, and roughly parallel to, Honoapiʻilani Highway (approximately 2 miles) with two travel lanes and additional turn lanes at major intersections. Utilities including drainage, water, sewer, power, telephone, and television will be installed or upgraded. The Kuhua Street extension may include the proposed West Maui Greenway multiuse path.
View South at Kahoma Stream Flood Control Channel Crossing (Cane Haul Road and LKPR Sugar Cane Train Track)
Interdependencies and Roadblocks
Land acquisition for right of way and construction permitting will need to be obtained.
Next Steps
- Securing right of way, land acquisition and subdivisions
- Preparation of an environmental assessment and construction documents
- Obtain construction permits, advertisement for bid, and construction
Project Details
Cost Estimate:
$36 Million
Existing Funding Sources:
Project Lead:
County Department of Public Works
Potential Funding Sources:
Reconnecting Communities and Neighborhoods (RCN) Program
Project Partners:
- County Department of Emergency Management
- County Department of Planning
- County Department of Water Supply
- Private Landowners
Alignment with West Maui Community Plan (WMCP)
- Goal 2.1 Ready and resilient systems
- Goal 2.2 A complete, balanced, and connected transportation network