Street Connectivity and Extensions

Dickenson St. Looking Mauka
“...provide more access/roadways for emergencies, less congestion and alternate routes in case of accidents.”
Community Quote from Long-Term Planning Recovery Survey
Maui Fire Department has reviewed the wildfire impact zone and determined certain streets need to be improved or connected to facilitate public safety in the future. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) has also conducted a LifeSim model to review existing conditions and evacuation strategies and determine their effectiveness. The outcome of both efforts is the identification of streets in impacted neighborhoods that would benefit from increased connectivity to improve evacuation ability. This project has been identified and prioritized as a key public safety project that needs to move forward within the fire-impacted areas to support disaster evacuation. It will provide necessary connectivity, ingress and egress for impacted neighborhoods.
Project Description
This project will provide necessary fire evacuation connectivity on various roads to better support and facilitate public safety in the future. It would consist of a phased approach that would require land acquisition and road improvements for a variety of identified locations where streets do not meet current fire codes, cul-de-sacs are substandard and connections are missing. Streets included are:
- Aki Street Connector
- Papalaua to Aki Street Connector
- Kaakolu Street to Lahaina Bypass
- Kanakea Loop to Lahainaluna Road
- Kuhua Street Extension to Komo Mai
- Dickenson Street Extension
- N. Hakau Place to Lahaina Bypass
Wahikuli Connectors to Cane Haul Road/ West Maui Greenway:
- Fleming Road
- Wahikuli Road
- Malanai Street

Street Connectivity and Extensions
Interdependencies and Roadblocks
Land acquisition for right-of-way, environmental assessment and construction permitting is needed.
Next Steps
- An Infrastructure and Road Master Plan
- Securing right of way
- Land acquisition and subdivisions
- Preparation of an environmental assessment and construction documents
- Obtain construction permits
- Advertisement for bid and construction
Project Details
Cost Estimate:
>$10 Million
Existing Funding Sources:
County of Maui – $5 Million
Project Lead:
County Department of Public Works
Potential Funding Sources:
Reconnecting Communities and Neighborhoods (RCN) Program
Project Partners:
- County Department of Fire and Public Safety
- Maui Emergency Management Agency
- State Department of Transportation
Alignment with West Maui Community Plan (WMCP)
- Goal 2.1 Ready and resilient systems
- Goal 2.2 A complete, balanced, and connected transportation network
- Action 1.22 Identify additional emergency evacuation routes to access West Maui and isolated neighborhoods
- Action 1.27 Identify and implement appropriate safety improvements such as traffic controls to improve the use of the Kahekili Highway and Honoapiʻilani Highway as alternate routes for West Maui during times of emergency