September 23, 2023
Popular Launiupoko Beach Park reopens after county staff who lost homes work on project
One of the most beloved surf and beach parks on the West Side was reopened today, thanks to a multi-agency effort. The opening was announced Friday at a Lahaina community meeting organized by the county that drew more than 600 people to the Lahaina Civic Center.
Launiupoko Beach Park, known for its family barbecues, surfing events and keiki parties, reopened ahead of schedule after the county Department of Parks and Recreation worked to ensure the park was cleared after Aug. 8 fire and wind caused downed trees and other damage that riddled the park with debris. Eight staff in the Parks department lost their homes to fire Aug. 8 but worked to ensure the beach park could reopen at 10 a.m. today so families could enjoy it over the weekend.
“With the help of our county Parks Department employees - whose hard work made it possible to have our Launiupoko Beach Park accessible and safe for the community’s use sooner than expected, residents can now return and enjoy the park which has been an important park of Lahaina for generations,” said Mayor Richard Bissen.
The department said Wailea Tree Trimming and West Maui Construction were instrumental to the re-opening. The county park resumes normal hours
9/23/23 – County of Maui Disaster Area PARK ZONE ANNOUNCEMENT
WHAT: County of Maui Disaster Area Restrictions are lifted for Launiupoko Beach Park. Zones have been created to facilitate a systematic and supported return into the disaster area while prioritizing public safety and community security.
WHEN: 10 a.m. TODAY, 9/23
WHERE: Restrictions have been LIFTED for the following PARK ZONE:
ZONE 16C – Launiupoko Beach Park
ACCESS: Kai Hele Ku Street, which connects Lahaina Bypass and Honoapiilani Highway, is unrestricted. Entry via Kai Hele Ku Street. Exit via Kai Hele Ku Street to Lahaina Bypass or turn right out of park to use Honopiilani Highway toward Olowalu.
UTILITIES: No county water or wastewater utilities. County deployed three portable toilets and handwashing stations.
SAFETY: Once a fire has burned through an area, many dangers may remain. It’s important to be aware of the hazards and to know what to look for when re-entering. For full safety details, visit For air quality information, visit For county Unsafe Water Advisory, visit
DETAILS: For details on re-entry to impacted areas; safety information for returning to your property; drinking water and wastewater; maps and data; fire debris removal; recovery phases; financial and housing assistance; and business support, visit

County of Maui Recovery Permit Center
A vital resource for those who are looking to rebuild in fire-affected areas in Lahaina and Kula as they navigate the permitting process and take the next step toward returning home.
County of Maui Service Center
110 Alaihi St., Suite 207
Monday to Friday: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.