June 24, 2024
New DOH Portal Compiles Maui Environmental Monitoring Data
The Hawaiʻi Department of Health (DOH) has launched an Environmental Monitoring Data Portal to provide a one-stop shop for sharing the results of previous and ongoing environmental monitoring in the areas affected by the August 2023 Lahaina and Kula wildfires. This new website provides direct public access to environmental monitoring data collected by DOH as well as collaborating federal, state, and community partners. It also includes narrative and graphical information to help people interpret and use the data. The presented data and reports are available for download.
Since August 2023, DOH, government, and community partners have undertaken environmental monitoring through the collection and analysis of samples of air, ash, soil, sediments, beach sand, and nearshore water to determine if any hazardous substances produced by the fires are present at levels that could pose risks to people’s health or the environment. Monitoring continues to assess the effectiveness of clean-up activities and related environmental protection measures like dust control. This information is compiled in the new portal to allow DOH and government and community partners to continue to communicate with the public about what areas and activities are safe, ongoing protective measures by recovery agencies, and what protective measures people may need to take as clean-up activities progress.
Click here to view the new portal.
“This public platform provides the community with direct access to environmental data from multiple sources for the Lahaina and Kula wildfires,” said Deputy Director for Environmental Health Kathleen Ho. “We appreciate the continued collaboration and partnership of community partners and other federal, state, and local agencies. As monitoring activities continue, we will use this portal to provide the public with easy access to information from DOH and its partners.”
DOH will update the portal as new data are received and reviewed. Air monitoring data will be updated approximately every two to four weeks, and data for coastal water quality, sediments, and monitoring at the West Maui Temporary Debris Storage (TDS) Site are expected to be updated quarterly. The portal also includes narrative discussions, and graphical representations of the data over time and as compared to relevant regulatory and action screening levels, which will be reviewed and updated monthly if necessary.
The portal is part of a DOH Comprehensive Environmental Monitoring and Sampling effort, which brings together federal, state, and community partners to monitor and collaborate on environmental data related to wildfire recovery. DOH will continue to monitor environmental quality in Lahaina and post new data and information as it becomes available.
DOH will continue to advise residents in the event of unusual environmental or health concerns through specific announcements, as needed.

County of Maui Recovery Permit Center
A vital resource for those who are looking to rebuild in fire-affected areas in Lahaina and Kula as they navigate the permitting process and take the next step toward returning home.
County of Maui Service Center
110 Alaihi St., Suite 207
Monday to Friday: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.