June 24, 2024
Lahaina Town Historic and Business Districts Planning Workshop to be held Saturday
The County of Maui Office of Recovery and Department of Planning will hold a planning workshop for the Lahaina Town Historic and Business Districts on Saturday, June 29, 2024, from 3 to 5:30 p.m. at the Lahainaluna High School cafeteria, located at 980 Lahainaluna Road.
Doors open at 2:30 p.m. Snacks and children’s activities will be provided.
The workshop will address the core of Lahaina town’s historic and commercial areas, primarily makai of Honoapiʻilani Highway.
The workshop is an opportunity for Lahaina residents and community members at large to share their thoughts on the future of this area. Community feedback gathered at the workshop will help inform the development of the long-term recovery plan for Lahaina. A draft recovery plan is targeted for public release in the fall and a final plan by the end of 2024.
Due to limited parking, carpooling is strongly recommended. Parking close to the venue will be reserved for those requiring mobility assistance.
Language interpreters for Ilocano, Spanish and Tongan will be available by request. Requests must be made by 10 a.m. Thursday, June 27. To request an interpreter, email fema-dr4724-interpreter-request@fema.dhs.gov or text (510) 316-3643.
This will be the County’s fifth and final neighborhood planning workshop. Previous workshops were held for residents of the Kelawea Mauka, Wahikuli, Lahaina Town North, and Lahaina Town South neighborhoods.
Past workshops are available for viewing online at mauirecovers.org/Lahaina.
The workshops are part of community engagement efforts for the long-term recovery plan for Lahaina, which includes collaborating with community members on their vision for recovery from the fire. The recovery plan will include projects, programs, timelines, and potential funding sources and will guide recovery in a sustainable and resilient manner.
For questions, please email olalahaina@mauicounty.gov or call the Office of Recovery at (808) 270-7214.

County of Maui Recovery Permit Center
A vital resource for those who are looking to rebuild in fire-affected areas in Lahaina and Kula as they navigate the permitting process and take the next step toward returning home.
County of Maui Service Center
110 Alaihi St., Suite 207
Monday to Friday: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.