January 26, 2024
Fare-Free Transit Program begins March 1
Starting March 1, a new Maui Bus Fare-Free Transit Program will begin, allowing qualified individuals to utilize Maui Bus fixed route services free of charge. The County of Maui Department of Transportation is beginning the new service on the same date that public transit fares that are currently waived due to the wildfires response will be reinstated.
The fixed route Fare-Free Program is available to individuals who are:
- 55 years or older.
- Americans with Disabilities Act Paratransit cardholders.
- Medicare cardholders.
- Students 24 years or younger.
- People with a disability.
- People demonstrating financial need.
Riders with a disability or financial need will need to apply for a fixed route Fare-Free ID Card, through an updated application process beginning Feb. 1. A link to the application can be found at the County of Maui Department of Transportation website at www.mauicounty.gov/bus, or by contacting Maui Economic Opportunity at (808) 877-7651 or farefree@meoinc.org.
People with a disability will need to have their physician complete a section in the application form. Those who already possess a persons with a disability card will not need to re-apply and can use their existing ID card.
Individuals with financial need seeking a fixed route Fare-Free ID Card must be Maui County residents and provide financial documentation that shows their annual household income during the past calendar month or year is equal to or less than 200 percent of the poverty threshold in the most recent guidelines for Hawaiʻi published by the United States Department of Housing and Human Services. A fixed route Fare-Free ID Card will be mailed upon approval.
Other fixed route Fare-Free eligible riders can show bus drivers the following forms of identification:
- Valid ID showing birth date for those 55 years and older.
- Medicare card.
- Valid student ID for students 24 years and younger.
- Maui Bus ADA Paratransit card.
General single-fare boarding fares remain at $2 per boarding, and the monthly general pass remains $45 per person per month.
For more information, contact the County of Maui Department of Transportation at (808) 270-7511 or public.transit@mauicounty.gov.

County of Maui Recovery Permit Center
A vital resource for those who are looking to rebuild in fire-affected areas in Lahaina and Kula as they navigate the permitting process and take the next step toward returning home.
County of Maui Service Center
110 Alaihi St., Suite 207
Monday to Friday: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.