January 9, 2024
County to hold Right-of-Entry workshops for owners who lost properties in fires
The County of Maui is holding two informational workshops on the Right-of-Entry (ROE) process to assist residential and commercial owners who lost Lahaina properties in the August wildfires. The ROE process is necessary for participation in the government-sponsored hazardous debris removal program.
Sessions will be held from 3 to 5:30 p.m. both Saturday, Jan. 13, and Saturday, Jan. 27, 2024, at the Lahainaluna High School cafeteria, 980 Lahainaluna Road, Lahaina.
Workshops will feature presentations by County of Maui and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) officials, along with community experts, who will offer crucial information about the fire debris cleanup process, options available for residential and commercial property owners and an opportunity to ask questions.
Topics and presenters are:
- Why a government-sponsored cleanup option was secured and how to sign up - Erin Wade, County of Maui Department of Management
- What the debris cleanup mission entails and when it will start - Dr. Cory Koger, USACE
- How and when the Army Corps gets involved in disasters - Col. Jess Curry, USACE
- What the FEMA/Army Corps requirements are for historic preservation and cultural protection - Jesse Pa‘ahana, USACE
- How the archaeological and cultural monitors work in the field - Tanya Lee-Greig, ʻĀina Archaeology
The agenda is:
3 - 3:45 p.m.: informational presentation
3:45 – 4 p.m.: short break
4 - 5:30 p.m.: Q&A and break-out to get individual ROE assistance
Participants are asked to RSVP via Eventbrite by clicking here or visiting https://www.eventbrite.com/e/fire-debris-removal-right-of-entry-workshop-tickets-793757168057?aff=oddtdtcreator.
For more information on the hazardous debris cleanup process and ROE applications, please visit https://www.mauirecovers.org/debrisremoval#about.

County of Maui Recovery Permit Center
A vital resource for those who are looking to rebuild in fire-affected areas in Lahaina and Kula as they navigate the permitting process and take the next step toward returning home.
County of Maui Service Center
110 Alaihi St., Suite 207
Monday to Friday: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.