November 13, 2023
County of Maui Disaster Area ZONE ANNOUNCEMENT
WHAT: County of Maui Disaster Area Restrictions have been lifted for the following zones: 1D, 5G, 10F, 14E, 15B and 15C effective beginning Monday, Nov. 13.
WHEN: 8 a.m. MONDAY 11/13/23
RURAL LAND: 1D, 10F, 14E, 15B, and 15C
RESIDENTIAL: 5G* (E. Kuu Aku Lane)
*Re-entry will only be allowed in areas of Zone 5G not affected by the fire. Supported re-entry for residents in fire-affected units is expected to be held next week.
ACCESS: IDs will be required to enter Zone 5G (only units not affected by the fire). Property Manager will confirm ID of property owners at the entry point.
WATER: The County of Maui Department of Water Supply Unsafe Water Advisory remains in effect in these residential zones. To view the water advisory, visit
SAFETY AND ADVISORIES: Once a fire has burned through an area, many dangers may remain. It is important to be aware of the hazards and to know what to look for when re-entering. For full safety details, visit For air quality information, visit
DETAILS: For details on re-entry zones, recovery phases, environmental protections, maps, data and more, visit For information on resources available, medical and mental health care, financial assistance, housing, jobs, and how to donate or volunteer, visit

County of Maui Recovery Permit Center
A vital resource for those who are looking to rebuild in fire-affected areas in Lahaina and Kula as they navigate the permitting process and take the next step toward returning home.
County of Maui Service Center
110 Alaihi St., Suite 207
Monday to Friday: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.