June 3, 2024
County launches online version of Lahaina Recovery Neighborhood Planning Workshops
The County of Maui Office of Recovery and Department of Planning today launched an online version of their Neighborhood Planning Workshops on the “Ola Lahaina” page of MauiRecovers.org.
Through the month of June, residents may participate in the online workshop at their convenience from their laptop, tablet or phone. The online workshop is an opportunity for residents who were not able to attend past neighborhood workshops to share their thoughts, or for those who did attend to share more input.
To access the online workshop, visit https://olalahaina.mysocialpinpoint.com/neighborhood-planning-workshop.
There have been three neighborhood planning workshops held so far – for the Kelawea Mauka, Wahikuli and Lahaina Town North neighborhoods – and two more are planned for this month. The Lahaina Town South workshop (for residents in the area south of Lahainaluna Road, including Shark Pit and Puamana) is scheduled for June 15, and a workshop focused on the Historic and Business districts is set for June 29. Both are from 3 to 5:30 p.m. at the Lahainaluna High School cafeteria.
The neighborhood planning workshops are an opportunity for residents to share their thoughts on a variety of topics important to Lahaina rebuilding. The workshops will help ensure that residents are aware of options for their neighborhood and that the county is aware of community preferences so they can be included in the long-term recovery plan for Lahaina.
The Office of Recovery prioritizes community engagement for the long-term recovery plan for Lahaina. The purpose of community engagement, such as these workshops, is to collaborate with residents on their vision for recovery, which will lead to a long-term recovery plan of projects to address damages from the fire. The recovery plan will include projects and funding and will guide recovery in a sustainable and resilient manner.
For questions, email olalahaina@mauicounty.gov or call the Department of Planning Long Range Division at (808) 270-7214.

County of Maui Recovery Permit Center
A vital resource for those who are looking to rebuild in fire-affected areas in Lahaina and Kula as they navigate the permitting process and take the next step toward returning home.
County of Maui Service Center
110 Alaihi St., Suite 207
Monday to Friday: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.