Maui Recovers

What others have shared



Hundreds of houses, sites, jobs, monuments, and people were torn/broken from the Lahaina fires last August.

I feel that creating the exact building structures will not create the same feelings that the Old Lahaina town did for everyone, especially for people who lived there. However, I am hoping that replicating the previous monuments, stores, and scenaries will attract visitors from around the world once again as it shows what the Old Lahaina town used to look like. Feelings of distress may arise if locals realize that historic areas of Lahaina were not even attempted to be rebuilt as well.

Elizabeth T.
Mar 27

The rebuilding of Lahaina can be made better by making sure that there is space and housing for current west Maui residents.

Lahaina residents are currently stuggling with housing because of limited lodging spaces taken up by tourists.

Zen B.
Mar 27

make sure the homes are stabled so the childrens could be safe and to built it the way it was back before

Mar 27

I think that if you build Lahaina make sure that the hotels and the houses are stable and so other peoples kids could be safe.

Also I think if your building Lahaina back make sure that everything that you guys built is good and safe .

Nel ileiza
Mar 27

Lahaina's community needs their housing back and to be able to go back home to something other than the land with no house.

Lahaina also needs to reunite with their friends and family after a long time of being away. Lahainaluas campus should be a safe place to be able to go to after everything that happened. Friends and family need a place they can call home after their homes got taken away from them on 08-8-23. We need to clean up Lahina so that we can build something and make Lahaina happen again.

Kamailemua schillace
Mar 27

We can build back better by allowing others to build a bigger fire department and police station because ever since the fire I noticed that we barely had a fire department they needed to bring others from the mainland.

We also need an Aquatic center and a playground for kids to play where they could forget about everything that has happened.

Trisha S
Mar 27

Rebuild the beautiful small town it was before.

No high-rise buildings (nothing over 2 stories), no big box stores, no billionaires buying up the land. Provide water to green up the surrounding land with agriculture and native plants and trees. Extend the bypass to Kaanapali to relieve traffic congestion and provide alt escape routes. Make Front Street in downtown Lahaina a walking/biking area. Build parking structures around town and the harbor (off Front St.) Get homeless out of the parks and public spaces so kids and families can enjoy them.

Mar 24

We can build back better by allowing homeowners to expedite the rebuilding of their homes before we think about businesses.

Families need to be back in Lahaina first. We also need to prioritize the opening of the Lahaina aquatic center skate park and recreation parks for the kids. They have been through so much. They NEED access to these places to get sports back up running and some normalcy for them and their families.

Mar 24

I would like to see all the businesses that were in operation mid-2023 to be given first opportunity to return to their locations

in facilities rebuilt using modern fire-resistant construction techniques, but designed to look as much like their original premises as possible. Try to restore the look and feel of Front St and the waterfront area as much as possible!

Richard Vesel
Mar 21

Lahaina has an opportunity to build back more "green" and eco-friendly.

I would like to see every new structure powered by solar photo-voltaic panels. The government could subsidize this to make it affordable for everyone. Lahaina gets so much sun year round, it could be the first 100% solar city in Hawaii!

Donna Butterfield
Mar 21

Since we have small lots develop firebreaks AROUND neighborhoods. Bikepaths or walking paths could be fire breaks, but with trees cause Lahaina gets hot!

Mar 21

Use permeable pavers for all new parking areas. Make the planters in parking lots big enough trees can survive.

Mar 21

Please create Lahaina the way it used to be before the fires.

No high rise condominiums. We have a home in Lahaina and we want you to re-create the quaint fishing town like Lahaina was. We miss the town like it has been for years. Please don’t give it over to HCDA.

Laurie Teitelbaum
Mar 18

I'd like to envision ku'u one hanau with some of these features:

* rebuild as close to original as possible * build another fire department above Puamana with reserve water tanks * use fire retardant materials * put electric lines underground * designate Front St. from the banyan to old Lahaina Broiler as a pedestrian mall with local vendors, local food trucks, local entertainment and cultural events * make Mala'uluolele as a pedestrian/pet friendly park * Keep it local!

Mai Mala
Mar 16

One idea-

The property abutting the ocean side of Lāhainā between 505 Front Street and the restaurant complex that includes Freitas, Mala and Honu (with exceptions deemed acceptable including Malu Ulu Olele historical area, Lahaina Courthouse, Lahaina Library and Holy Innocence Church) needs to be designated a greenway for parks and a walking path in accordance with the 75’ setback regulations.Front Street property owners should be allowed to rebuild if they wish. The properties mauka of the Front Street properties can then be adjusted with opportunities for remaining as before or relocation.

Mar 16

Lahaina is arguably one of the top five historic sites in all of Hawai’i, with a strong presence of families with lineal descendents to this day.

“Building back better” in Lahaina can never be done without recognizing and being in service to those who know the history of the LAND and WATER and also have shown a long-term commitment to land stewardship in this particular place, which has its own unique set of ecological challenges. The population needs to be in balance with what the land is able to provide without taking more than our share. A better Lahaina is a Lahaina in balance. Pono..

Mar 15

Make sure we have clean drinking water, not OLD TOXIC pipes, now is the time to replace all water lines, flushing will not do!

Mar 15

The community of Lahaina has an opportunity to rebuild in a way that is safe, healthy and climate resilient.

This includes addressing safe egress for emergencies; conducting environmental remediation and monitoring air and water quality; and factoring in sea level rise and increasing heat due to climate change. The latest technologies can be incorporated into architecture that is reminiscent of Lahaina's past. Restoration of the water flows above and below ground can provide the opportunity to restore the desertified landscape to one that is lush with wetlands and streams as in the past.

Robin S Knox
Mar 15

I loved living in Lahaina! It was a compact small town, I could walk to work, grocery, stores, post office, banks, the beach and Kaunoa senior center. All intertwined with the historic building and Front Street 's Tourist destinations ocean side.

I don't know how much of the historic landmarks can be recreated? How to honor all of Lahaina's history. How to keep it a short town with most buildings 1 to 2 stories? How to avoid skyscrapers. How to keep it primarily small Business owners. How to keep it real. Are the powers going to keep the business on Front St. Or push bach from the ocean?

Juliet DiGiovanni
Mar 15

Aloha. Condolences Prayers Blessings All. I'm wondering if Debbie could help us with 1, 2, 3 floor Geodesic Dome Homes... Next generation safety, power hybrid, construction of modern less cost-effective homes.

I'm pretty sure these Homes shipped in Matson in parts could be here in a timely manner. Our Island Contractors to put them togethe. I know nothing upper level... I pray this can help. Ciao - Mahalo Sincerely Erin Lahaina since 1974.... Dad E Widower Retired Vietnam War Era Veteran 6yr.4active.3overseas.2on-call ptsd.ptsd-hypnosis.

Mar 15

Please consider input from locals and generational families.

Restore grounds of Moku ula. Have historic district along Front Street be pedestrian only with memorial to those who lost their lives in the fire. Include walking path with boards explaining pre contact history of Lahaina. Include original Hawaiian street names. DO NOT LET DEVELOPERS in. Honor the Kanaka and the Lahaina Ohana as a whole. Restore water rights that were taken. Insure safety protocols so this tragedy never happens again. Mahalo for your consideration

Mar 15

From a perspective of someone who is not born in Lahaina but loves it just the same- The small town field of Lahaina with individual specialty shops, local restaurants and businesses all within a walkable distance is special and unique.

The fact that there were some new buildings, and some very old buildings made it very comfortable. Realizing that it is all new construction it would be appreciated to make an effort to make it have a similar façade as it did before. Thank you.

Mar 15

We have a unique opportunity to start over again.

Health and safety should be our primary concern. Utilities should be placed underground, all areas should have emergency access which require widening of some streets, owners of fallow land surrounding built up areas should be required to keep their land in conditions which mitigate fire spread, greenways and parks should be incorporated into neighborhoods where ever possible (the 26 mile proposed bikeway is an example), a large central area such as the site of King Kamehameha III School as a memorial park for public gatherings is essential.

Mar 14

Make it a place where the tourists and Kama’aina can learn about the Hawaiian culture.

Make Lahaina a place where the people of Lahaina can sell their craft items. No more tourists shops where the items come from the Philippines and China. No more art galleries. The artist should come out and present the artwork themselves and tell their story of what their artwork means.

Mar 12

Fire Escapes in ALL neighborhoods. Connect roads. Finish the bypass.

Put utilities all underground to reduce fire hazards and beautify the views. Improve county parks to with overnight camping amenities. Manage natural resources of the island for prosperous renewal because MAUI can ! Stop the exploitation of big industry. Rent control. Inspections and enforcement of Airbnb laws. Traffic control certification standards. Air brake restrictions. FREE Spring Water for everyone. Sidewalks. LIMITS AND BANS ON INTERNATIONAL INVESTING. Tariffs to include waste removal. Small schools.

Ronda Colleen Pali
Mar 12

Proactive shoreline retreat- offer state (HHFDC) and County lands in Lahaina to residents who want to rebuild outside of Sea-level rise area.

Mar 12

Revitalize the Harbor area and Front street ASAP. Create a walkable and universally accessible oceanfront environment.

Rebuild and expand the local parks and historical sites/projects. Make sure local residents have the funds and accelerated timeframes they need to rebuild their homes. Create spaces that support local artists and musicians. BUILD BACK BETTER.

Mar 11

The Lahaina residential portion will come back better than ever, obviously with the new building codes being enforced.

FYI We lost our home. It would be nice to have underground utilities, but we know there is a cost involved. I feel we need to keep the character and charm of Lahaina town, but built with modern materials and maintaining the historic look of the buildings. Lahaina had an iconic waterfront that was unmatched anywhere in the world. I feel we need to build it back better.

Mar 11

Front street was a tourism magnet and a source of jobs for the local community. Focus on bringing it back to the way it was rather than chase political boondoggles.

Mar 11

Please do not build multiple level structures. Beach access for all is so important- we don’t need another Malibu with private beaches only accessed by the rich owners of the oceanfront properties.

Focusing on native culture and historical value of the land is extremely important and absolute necessity.

Mar 10

* Pray about everything * Complete the bypass * Fire prevention attention * Lahaina rebuilt to maintain historical and cultural integrity. Keep it small town Lahaina

Mar 10

Mokuula should be reenvisioned as it was in early Hawaii.

Energy infrastructure should be developed utilizing solar+storage+bidirectional EV's, as a series of neighborhood scale Microgrids for resilience and cost savings. Mosy everything West of Front street should be dunes and mangroves for sea level protection

John Sarter
Mar 10

To create a non tourism dependent town that serves its local populace by providing respectable housing, green space and recreational opportunities, and ease of transportation to school & work.

Rebuild away from the shoreline & don't repeat mistakes of the past which were built on an extractive colonial plantation foundation. Live work & play in a Lahaina that provides water, sewer (without injection wells that pollute the ocean), underground utilities, bike/walking paths & aesthetically pleasant surroundings that highlight the natural beauty, cultural heritage & ethnic diversity of the island.

Mar 10

1.force the utility companies to put all lines underground. Should have been done years ago. True it is more expensive but saves in the long run. Remember Lahaina town has burned three times so it will be rebuilt. Hopefully better than before.

2.Sad the museums in Lahaina no longer exist or have articles to display. 3.Public schools should not be next to the water in Lahaina town. 4.Less tacky stores like argentine face lotion sales, No shops on ocean side of the street. 5, Make King Kamehameha's Royal residence in the park a priority.

Mar 9

Live the authentic culture, we control tourism, tourism does not control us

We share aspects that we want to also teach our keiki - our language, our voyaging history, our history as the Capitol of the Hawaiian Kingdom, hale building, lo’i kalo, Ka Malu ‘Ulu o Lele and farm to table cuisine. Also emphasis on circular economies and systems, local composting, local power generation and marine sciences

George Vierra
Mar 9

Please NO PARK MAUI project in Lahaina!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Free parking for workers!!!!!!!

Mar 9

Utility lines MUST be underground. Tourists MUST use resort trolly transport, drop off in Lahaina, pick up. DISALLOW short term/vacation rentals.

STOP loud hard core music @ restaurants/bars & play HAWAIIAN MUSIC. All development proposals must be presented to residents for direction, NOT quietly finalized.More AFFORDABLE housing for residents. Build for LOCAL residents, NOT for speculation, inviting moves from mainland.('Build it & they will come')RETURN THE WATER/restore Malauluolele.Bypass should NOT dump out in Lahaina, it should BYPASS Lahaina, dump @ Kaanapali.

Anna B.
Mar 9

Keep the community and its values in the forefront then work towards safety and building back better.

Our community is what made Lahaina great. Work with Lahaina restoration in trying to regain the character of our town. As we rebuild hopefully we can reach out to community members that moved away and invite them back to our community.

Ginger Prince
Mar 9

I’d love to see it rebuilt in the same old town fashion it once was. I realize most of the buildings would be replicas but at least it would be a reminder of what Lahaina was and should always be. Classic.

Rudi King
Mar 9

I think what’s best for Lahaina is having a strong, healthy workforce and you get that with affordable housing close to work and school.

No short term rentals in neighborhoods. Neighborhoods should be for neighbors, not tourists. Also Front street should be one way with a bike/walking lane. Wainee could be one way the other way. Lahaina needs more safer walkability and bike lanes. We need sidewalks and bus stops that are safe for everyone.

Mar 9

It is time for Lahaina to be brought back to our people!

It the people that made Lahaina so special! Lahaina is made up of all kinds of nationalities and would be nice to have us all come together and celebrate all our cultures and learn from each other like it was in the plantation days! Lahaina shouldn’t be a tourist town like it turned into with t-shirts, jewelry, galleries!! Our town was taken over by tourism! Locals were only worker's and hardly went into town 😢

Lahaina resident
Mar 9

Sidewalks * One way streets for safer roads * Safe bike paths * Paid parking meters for tourists, locals get some form of kama’aina card to park

Mar 9

Residential only. No vacation rental. Front street walking only. Sidewalks. Everyone having their property back to rebuild their homes. No eminent domain of folks homes. The way it was is best.

Mar 9

Location, year round * Fire sirens and alerts! * New and improved structures * Smoke alarm systems * Sprinkler systems

Mar 9

This is a good opportunity to get rid of all the cesspools that have been leaking into the ocean since they were put in.

Keep the downtown charm that was front street but make it pedestrian and bicycle friendly and close enough that people living in the area can walk to the downtown. Build affordable homes that are for the workers not for people who do not live here full time. Examine the power grid not only make it green but make it safe. Put all power lines underground. Please do NOT turn it into the ugly strip malls that Kihei has become.

Mar 9

Rebuild front street as close to what it was prior to the fire as possible If it’s not quaint and made up of small and unique stores and restaurants it will not be good for the locals and tourists alike.

Michael Zanolli
Mar 8

online surveys are biased results. you exclude those who are not computer literate, or have no internet data or internet device or for people who do not blog. please do not rely on online surveys they are not a complete sample of the population.

we need varied housing. Hawaiian homes, low income, senior housing, affordable, family multi generational, market long term means life time housing. dont allow str from non residence. we need an (optional), fire survivor id card. for when they finally build housing to ensure it goes to the real fire survivors. in 5-10 years our driver ids expire

Mar 8

I have been a permanent resident for 38 years and have owned a home on Baby Beach in Lahaina since building in 1988.

Our once small quiet cul- de-sac was transformed from an ohana oriented neighborhood to a short term vacation nightmare. Every house on our block with the exception of one converted to STVR. This ruined our dream home to the point we strongly considered leaving the island. Beer pong played at backyard pools at all hours of the night, crying children up at the crack of dawn due to time zone differences, occupancy well exceeding the household limits, parking on the street etc

Diane Countryman
Mar 8

How about a tithe on properties that are vacant 6 or 9 or 11 months out of the year.

I suggest this because just one can buy here and leave a property vacant doesn’t mean one should. Go rent a place for a month. There are many vacant properties/homes, some that haven’t seen guest in years and are overgrown. Under different circumstances probably ok I suppose, but not really, resources and land being one of them is very limited on an island for it just to be sat on.

Mar 8

Start prioritizing the displaced fire victims!

Get Wahikuli cleared with sewer lines in place. Prioritizing wahikuli would help enormous amount of people out of the hotels. Have the sewer and water departments work together and connect this neighborhood to county sewer so we can start rebuilding without the hassle of EPA and DOH involvement with cesspools. Just my family with 5 people and two hotel rooms would go back to our property with temporary housing as soon as it’s safe. Start with the basic for now and start making the people of Lahaina’s properties/houses livable. We want to go home!

Leah P
Mar 8

Build back to showcase the ka moʻomeheu Hawaiʻi maoli. Cultivate the town to include all of its history and give special honor to native people.

Reduce the dependence on tourism and create jobs by attracting and showcasing industry of the future, too. Like Solar Energy and water desalinization. Lahaina has an abundance of the most basic resources, namely water and sunshine. Create the bike path as a real Avenue of healthful transportation. Alanui Hele Wawae a me Alanui Paikikala. This Road should house businesses and Artisans who cater to a different kind of tourist.

Mar 8

I loved (and worked on) Front Street, the charming buildings & vibrant atmosphere,(keep them charming, but up to modern safety wise).

Keep the great restraunts, shops, music venues, BUT there should be more Hawaiian culture represented on Front Street the rent on Front St should be REDUCED for some number of shops that represent culture. And a "Give Shack", where tourists can $ support to vetted charities of their choice, or $ the County needs due to FireStorm. Farmers market on Front Street. Rename Front St- sorry, was it King Street before?

Mar 8

Highly recommend all powerlines go underground areas with cesspools and septic tanks. Should be hooked up to the sewer as a start. This is the perfect time to work on the infrastructure before the housing begins.

The state should subsidize the building of houses with up to six or more house plans to choose from so we have continuity in Lahaina. If you allow the people to go with what they want you’ll end up with a hodgepodge of a neighborhood, some with trailers, some with shacks and some beautiful homes it’ll be a mishmash.

Mar 8

Put power poles underground so they won’t fall and block roads. Restore water and also private businesses should not own our water.

No building makai side of the business area of Front Street. Finish bypass road. All factions come together to make us a true sovereign nation that we are. America owes us billions of dollars, make them pay us back."

Anne McCoy
Mar 8

Our Lahaina Aquatic Center served our Kapuna, keiki, our disabled community, lap swimmers, adult athletes training for races, girls waterpolo and club swimmers.

Thousands of community members benefitted from this facility, it was a healthy gathering place. We need to have our pool and parks back so that our community as a whole will have a place to thrive not just survive.

Amy McGill
Mar 8

Lahaina Ohana need keep the job in Lahaina🙏

need build affordable rentals for house less ohana🙏since none of hotels burned! Most of hotel employees went back to work. Please need build affordable rentals 🙏after year Fema rental leases! We can't afford $7.000-$9,500.-$10,000 month rentals please we need affordable rentals🙏

Mar 8

Our home was in the “Shark Pit” neighborhood. Our home was built in 1971.

We had underground utilities and a lovely neighborhood. I understand we are in the SMA Zone so that presents another hurdle before we can get a permit to rebuild. If you want to help us home owners, then expedite the permitting process so we can rebuild soon. Also our iconic harbor needs to have slips rebuilt and opened up soon. the historic buildings, the Banyan Tree park. All this needs to be restored asap. I would like to see Front Street restored with same buildings but make Front Street a walking street

Mar 8

No building on the makai side of Front Street and make a memorial park on Front Street from the library to the area where the outlet malls used to be.

Restore the historic fish pond and canal. No condos or hotels larger than what was there. Plant ulu trees. Have a zoning code to allow homes on small lots so people won’t lose the ability to build on their property. Bury utilities. Find ways to make the area bike & pedestrian friendly. Maybe hold a design competition for local ideas on the restoration.

Mar 8

Limit restaurants and bars. Limit over-tourism at the harbor. Expose more of Front Street for the use of the general public instead of business or high end vacation rentals.

More open-air spaces near the harbor. No businesses or vacation rentals on the Makai side of Front Street to block ocean views. Have a safe greenway linking to Kaanapali. Clean up Moku'ula regularly. Disallow all vacation rentals in residential areas and build back housing for all income levels. Homes should only be single family homes. No more mini-hotels and bed and breakfasts in residential neighborhoods.

Mar 8

The county needs to to update infrastructure such as sewage, putting power lines underground and having our fire hydrants ready with available water for fires.

You should only be asking people who owned property in Lahaina. The county needs to allow multi unit dwellings to help with housing shortage. Housing shortage is due to the county, fighting building, growth, infrastructure, and any change. Housing shortage is not from STR units.

Wendy Pogni
Mar 8

Priced out of Hawaii, housing Cost so much only the rich can afford to live here

Build Lahaina the way Hawaiian homes was built, 3-4 models to choose from plantation style being Lahaina has a rich history of old Hawaii, home owners that lost their houses should have first priority over any and all development on the island of Maui, workforce has no housing current housing being built in Lahaina and yet the counsel has made arrangements for them to build in Kihei ans Central Maui, Shame on you again Lahaina being placed on the list LAST again even with this tragedy.

Life long residence from Lahaina
Mar 8

Lahaina can be rebuilt with climate change in mind. But knowing the special place Lahaina was, making sure that is honored and recaptured.

Making roadways safer, and more exit routes. Re-do the wastewater which has apparently been needing to be done for years now. Create housing so our kids can come back and be a part of the new Lahaina.

Mar 8

Lahaina needs up to date infrastructure and all utilities should be underground.

Also we need a large county founded fire department. And a competed Lahaina bypass road that goes all the way to north Kaanapali. Residential housing should be build back first as it was so every Lahaina home owner knows they will be able to build back and move home asap. I would love to see Lahaina town close to as it was before the fire. The hills above Lahaina need to be managed so dry grasses do not provide fire fuel. Water needs to be available for Lahaina town based on real needs not diverted to hotels.

Gabrielle Longhi
Mar 8

Lots with structures need to keep reasonable space/yard from its neighbors. Not wall to wall.

Limit amount of cars per household with on property parking. All apt. complexes required to have 2 entrance-exit openings from complex onto county roads. Due to water scarcity, heavily tax properties with swimming/plunge pools in order to discourage water abuse. 90% less visitor rentals in neighborhoods. Residents free parking in Lahaina business area, visitors can use pay parking lots or be ticketed, fined. This will encourage visitors to use Resort Trolly transport & the Bus, reducing local traffic.

Anna B.
Mar 8

Create a Polynesian cultural center in central Lahaina

Mar 8

Lahaina can create a pedestrian friendly town while honoring the historic and cultural nature of old Lahaina.

Mar 8

Lahaina can benefit from a planned neighborhood approach much like Maui Lani and Kehalani.

This would include greenways, sidewalks, trees. The town’s residential areas were built on 100 year old plantation era housing models that provided homes for workers. Lahaina’s desirability has led to rampant price increases that priced out residents. Workforce housing development has been negligible. Why did A&B’s vast tracks of plantation lands go to workforce housing in Central Maui but not West Maui? Instead, there are 5,000 acres of former Pioneer Mill going to the highest bidders.

Mar 6

Thank you for this platform. I know live in Lahaina and work in Wailea, so I'm unable to attend update meetings. This platform is helpful and appreciated.

Can't wait for my property on 198 Akeke to get the cultural inspection and after that will be the debris removal. We went out on property on Saturday and saw some areas were cleared and others weren't. Saw other properties getting cleared of debris. I also have continuous texts as to what is going on. Just getting anxious, because we would like our property cleared and start the planning stages for rebuilt.

Denise Watanabe
Mar 5

Prevent our unpreparedness from ever happening again.

Land owners taking care of their lands. Utility companies being smart and modernized, using profits to keep everyone safe. I miss all that Lahaina was,good and bad. Plant lots of tree, open spaces. Get people back into their homes so we can put this behind and look forward with love and Lahaina

Mar 5

Make sure to prioritize the influence of wealthy investors and construction companies.

Keep the real estate aggregated in the hands of very few. Prioritize luxury developments above all else. Increase rents and per night room charges 5-500x current rates. Low net worth individuals should be handled accordingly.

Mar 4

increase roads and lanes for less bottlenecking

front street should become a green way park for walking and bikes only, expand area around banyan as a central plaza for social events, cafes, and farmer market, install tram or train from OGG to Kapalua to reduce number of vehicles on hwy, open up more land for purchase up hill, build a historic cultural village as an attraction and school to teach traditions and history, increase taxes on second and third homes or non full time residents that can not be passed down to renters, increase local farming, build up areas to support growing population

Mar 4

Please clean up west Maui, it's become unsafe!

Get rid of the dead trashed burnt vehicles, the tents/campers, in no camp areas, give us a road in and out that doesn't back up/close the highway when there is an accident, or the city decides to trim a tree. Repair the power poles to be sturdy or buy the electrical lines. Give the people of Lahaina restored water and electricity so they can live on their properties and give their land the love it deserves, while they wait to rebuild. Rebuild the harbor as soon as possible so that boats don't have to travel to Kihei to refuel.

Mar 4

To build back the culture through learning centers, memorials, regenerate the lush land it once was as the capital of the Hawaiian kingdom, nature preserve, community land trust.

Sustainable systems that can withstand wind, fire and storms in the future.

Mar 4

Building Lahaina in a way it used to be, trying to maintain the historic appearance of Lahaina town.

In addition it would be nice to make Lahaina more walkable and bicycle friendly with wider sidewalks and designated bicycle lanes. Keep a mixture of stores, including mom and pop stores, and variety of restaurants (and not just chain restaurants). Keep motor vehicle traffic out of Lahaina town as much as possible, maybe designate a pedestrian zone.

Mar 3

Allow rebuilding Front St, including water-side buildings. Restore the unique feel even while improving materials and construction.

It is a unique town integrated with the waterfront -- don't try to set it back. Maintain walkability -- don't try to widen all the streets.

Mar 1

We need better infrastructure. Roads roads roads and roads.

1. Finish the bypass as soon as possible before the major rebuild starts. 2. Move the roads at risk for ocean erosion up to protect Honoapiilani hwy as soon as possible. 3. Limit monster and luxury homes (planning department) and enforce existing laws to prevent their use as short term rentals. 4. Add lights and make entry and exits out for emerald plaza, Lahaina gateway and walgreens easier! 5. Bury at any cost the electric and cable lines to prevent wildfires

Vijak Ayasanonda
Mar 1

We absolutely must build back with emergency transportation routes in and out of Lahaina.

One road doesn’t cut it & there has to be an alternate route that can be used in emergency situations, including fatalities that block the road for hours. This route doesn’t even have to be paved, it could cut through neighborhoods but there MUST be one created. And, communication when power is out is vital for our emergency workers.

Feb 29

Lahainaluna needs to add additional technical curriculum AND modern technical faculties so students graduate with skills AND certifications (construction trades, electrical, plumbing, Fire Service, First Responder, etc.) required to rebuild Lahaina.

Utility lines in fire-prone areas must be underground. The harbor should be expanded and beautified. It should be a gathering place for all the residents of Maui again. Also, allow businesses to rebuild on “Front Street” in Lahaina, but make it a pedestrian street. Lastly, create bike paths from Olowalu to Kapalua for safety.

Autumn Brown
Feb 29

Change is sometimes a difficult path to walk,we all have a comfort zone each different and in this short life we all strive for validity.

A new born has different needs than and 80 year old the only difference is that the 80 year old has walked the path of the new born to an extent,yet it does not make anyone’s path less valid,the challenge is are you ready to walk your path,in this life our paths may cross but it is yours to walk read Desiderata,,wisdom,,,

Feb 29

we must STOP encouraging more to come to Maui and Lahaina .

It has the best weather on the planet ,, people will come and TOO MANY ,,,,,,, residents should NEVER have to compete with tourist for a roof over their heads or for parking or water ....there is NO amount of building that will solve this ,,,, when you build more ,, then more come .... there is a never ending supply of people who want to come and live in Lahaina .

Feb 29

people should be able to live near work for an affordable price , I was able to live my life by walking or biking

I knew the people I passed each day ,,,, if some one was not where I expected them to be I knew to ask after them .. the people in the foodland and the bank knew me ,,, the weather is perfect .the beach was with in walking distance

Feb 29

We can build back better from:

* Better infrastructure * Updated power lines * Wider streets with sidewalks in the neighborhoods * More work force housing * No short term rentals in neighborhoods * Improve storm water management on Lahainaluna rd. and secondary streets * Affordable housing * Maintain historical architecture on all new buildings

Bailey Santiago
Feb 29

Underground wiring; grid of streets; finish bypass;

eliminate bottlenecks and dead ends; off-street parking to allow room for firetrucks; build with metal roofs and fire-retardant materials; compel large land owners to create firebreaks around populated areas.

Sharon A.
Feb 29

Lahaina is a unique community. It should be reconstructed in a manner to retain its historical character.

There are always conflicting interests. Some desire a dramatic change for Lahaina to a personal new vision. Certainly better fire safety for structural materials used, and for all materials and vehicles in Lahaina. Lahaina was uniquely set close to the sea. It should remain so. Sea level rise requires protective measures. Except, the Maui Planning proposals to abandon the oceanfront without protecting the nearshore reef from the consequences of unimpeded erosion will be another tragedy.

Feb 29

Climate resilience through shoreline setbacks and naturalization of the coastline.

Walking Esplanade behind the set back, instead of vehicle traffic. Hawaiian Cultural and Historical Tourism Hub. Lahaina does not need to be the "party place" it has developed into.

Feb 29

Powerlines underground. Build Lahaina for the people of Lahaina. Keep the tourist in Kaanapali.

Feb 29

Lahaina's opportunities are:

* Better infrastructure * Updated power lines * Wider streets with sidewalks in the neighborhoods * More work force housing * No short term rentals in neighborhoods * Improve storm water management on Lahainaluna rd. and secondary streets * Affordable housing * Maintain historical architecture on all new buildings

Bailey Santiago
Feb 28

Expand front st. 40’ wide.

No commercial building on ocean side from prison st. To bubba gumps.. Two lanes for golf carts, two lanes for bikes/ebikes, and pedestrian walking lanes mountain side of front st. Where commercial building should start. Kam lll should become county park with picnic tables and bbqs. Sidewalks all through town.

Brady Williams
Feb 28

please bury the electrical grid, the utility lines, etc and bury them deep.

use the cables used to run in the ocean so as sea levels rise the lines will adapt to the ocean. the county and state should completely go green on all of the buildings they will rebuild. resurvey the areas, allow the homes to be rebuilt but with licensed contractors, etc. stop development on the west side. close out the open building permits. pull all str permits from the residential neighborhoods and utilize these properties for long term rentals or increase the tax if the owner leaves it vacant.

Feb 28

Build back Moku'ula

* Have an oceanfront commercial area but set it back further with more vegetated area and walkways * Make sure road is open in both directions at all times and build new road flow that allows ways to bypass obstructions but get back to main road * Recover native habitat above and remove invasive pyrophitic weeds * Don't allow build-out or even discretionary permitting beyond a certain percent of aquifer capacity. Leave a percent for streams, recharge, drought conditions, and other resource needs. * Create firebreak areas * Underground utilities for fire prevention, esp. in areas

Feb 28

There is a lot of sentimental feelings. People want the old memories we had of front street.

We have to make some exceptions to allow building that side of front street where cheeseburger in paradise was and other stores. That would mean a lot just being able to stroll down the street like that again. Some of that feeling back

Feb 28

Lahaina is a charming old whaling town and should be rebuilt with the same charm and feel but with better planning.

I would like to see all of Front Street be only for pedestrians. I don't think buildings need to be rebuilt on the ocean side. Behind the buildings along Front Street should be an access road for servicing all the stores and behind that, sufficient parking structures. For sure the parking issue needs to be addressed as that was an ongoing problem, especially for all the people going out on boat excursions. I would like to see the harbor rebuilt as soon as possible.

Feb 28

Lahaina's opportunities are:

* A harbor restoration opportunity * Potential for rebuilding a no car Front St. for more outdoor dining, walking and shopping. * With all the needs to build infrastructure from scratch, it seems good to update water, sewer, wastewater and power to reduce or eliminate cesspools, put power underground and recycle wastewater. * Opportunity to build with sea level rise in mind * Opportunity to rebuild history locations * Opportunity to rethink building homes in clusters with greenways and perhaps apartments

Donna Clayton
Feb 28

*find ways to cut red tape in permitting for housing *diversify the economy *stop building resorts *hold big landowners accountable for maintaining their land safely

Gerry Wendy
Feb 28

Widen the streets, increase parking for local residents, utilize paid parking for visitors.

Ensure there are a variety of routes to evacuate in the event of an emergency. Utilize a variety of reapproved house styles to fast track permitting and rebuilding. Preserve historical sites, expand the harbor to decrease the number of boats that break their mooring and damage coral beds. Do not allow high rise developments.

Catherine Tieva
Feb 28

Re-establishing and celebrating the native Hawaiian historical significance of Lahaina.

Pairing this with a focus on world class, exceptionally designed public architecture by a combination of global and local talent. Maui should use this as an opportunity to rethink many things about what it means to live and work on this island.

Jay Parikh
Feb 28

I would love to see the look and feel of Lahaina built back to close to what it was before the fire.

I want to recognize the place where I grew up. The buildings that were over the water were small and manageable. Rebuild them with the same look as before and have owners sign a waiver regarding any losses from nature or from being over the water. Allow permits for this. For everyone's sake, rebuild the harbor as quickly as possible. This will help local businesses and boat owners. Maui does not have enough slips for vessels. Anchoring off of Kihei in the sandy bottom is not safe. Mahalo

Feb 28

Using the Spirit Aloha And Kokua in the restoration.

This involves building back with sustainable and safe materials. Restoring low income housing to our Kapuna and qualifying ohana. These ones need to be here to restore the core residents. We will need more opportunities for "mom and pop" businesses to bring back the Front Street business district. Equally important will be restoring all historical buildings and areas. There is already money earmarked for all these suggestions. Hmmm

Christina Currie
Feb 28

Build for the future of sustainable community.

Unlimited sunshine to initiate strong solar energy initiatives. Opportunity to create communities that are self sustaining. Community based gardens and distribution centers. Statutes set in place for no more out of state real estate investments and home buying. Stop tourism completely. Healthy lands and oceans will help people to thrive and not just survive. Heal the land.

Feb 28

Rebuilding the homes AND businesses on Front St.

Feb 28
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